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Logic 5 track automation tips

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Author: admin
Date: 25-Oct-02

Track automation - moving edit nodes & offset

Ok... when you use the TRACK AUTOMATION in Logic 5, you can click & add 'nodes' along the timeline for anyhting from simple Volume changes to individual parameters of insert FX or send controls or channel eq etc.... Now you might have added a whole load of filter cut-off moves or volume moves, and then afterwards you might find the OVERALL volume or OVERALL filter cutoff is too hi or low... You might then want to change the OVERALL volume or filter cutoff level while keeping all your relative moves in place... but just lower the OVERALL volume of ALL those volume changes or the OVERALL filter cutoff of all those relative filter moves... It's pretty simple to do and has some nifty touches.

ok.... Here's some Volume nodes adjusting the volume of a channel fader on an audio track... Select the arrow tool with the wiggly tail...

Set it to SELECT mode with the optional selector ('select' or 'curve')

Now drag a box around the required nodes you wish to select... hold down SHIFT to add additional nodes or multiples of nodes.

Now... you notice each NODE is either SOLID or has a hollow middle?

ok, after selecting the nodes while HOLDING DOWN SHIFT, click on the nodes and they go alternatively solid/hollow

Now, still holding SHIFT, drag the whole selection of nodes up/down left/right - the SOLID nodes stay fixed in position, the rest move relatively... cool huh!

So you can anchor some nodes and choose to offset only others!

(works the same if you then select the CURVE setting and you can drag curves all in one go between all selected nodes.)

questions questions!!

Does Logic EVER shutup!! - each time you copy/paste/move some audio or midi parts on a track which has automation added, the blasted logic programme keeps asking you each time:

Do you want to move automation data

Your choices are ALWAYS, NEVER, YES & NO

If you get cheesed off with being asked this you might choose NEVER - er... but what if later when doing OTHER editing you DO want to choose yes or no with each edit... After answering NEVER at a previous edit, you never seem to get offered the deal again by Logic!....

here's how to reset that, or to select a default while you work:

1. get that menu in the picture.

then you get this screen........

then simply reset it to 'ALWAYS', 'NEVER', 'ASK' - it's as simple as that!

More tips will be added as we find time.


'Logic 5 track automation tips'

There are a total:  5  comments posted to this page.

Name:  Dario G
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  10-Nov-03

How can i automatizein Logic audio controls like cutoff, portamento, frequency, etc in a VST synthesizer like V-station or Synth 1?. I have heard about midi control numbers, but how can i know what number corresponds to each control in the VST synthesizer?.Using the hiper edit function in logic, how i know the midi control number to automatize the portamento in my hardware synth Novation A-Station?.Thank you very much.

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Name:  Gyselbrecht Thémis
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  29-Jun-04

I'm using Logic 5.5 together with Reakot 4. My problem is that I can't Latch the things I do in Reaktor while recording in Logic.
When you go to the editor of Reaktor all the commands are unused...
I want to record the cutoff and res of the analog filter but it won't work.
So I'm wondering how you can assign a knob in Reaktor to an unused slide in his editor...

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Name:  ed
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  01-Aug-04

is it possible to automate a group of tracks all at one time? ie group fade or bv's ect. It would be musch easier when you're working with heaps of audio tracks that all need the same automation instead of going thru each 1 individually.

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Name:  Darryl
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  01-Dec-04

Can I read the raw track data from logic 5 (platinum) (Mac) on PC with Logic 5 for PC or any other PC Program?

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Name:  kamal
Website?:  gaan racot
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-Aug-09

ami gaan racot korbo ki babe?

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