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2 X 12 Angled Mid-range Cabinet

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Author: admin
Date: 04-Sep-08

Here's a simple mid-range unit, ideal for a modular club and party system, which you should be able to knock up in a day with some care... You can use this with an active or passive cross-over system.

These again are short-throw cabs, great for small spaces, and not to hard to build. There is a certain amount of 'Mitreing' (cutting angled joints) that has to be performed, if you feel a bit weirded out by this, your happy woodshop bloke can cut it for you.

To make it easier, best bet is to use the bottom panel to measure and mark out the Section 'XX' of the plan.

The speaker brand is up to you, use a 500Hz cross-over.

PERFORMANCE Useable frequency response from 400 Hz to 5 KHz at a sensitivity relative to the loudspeakers selected.
CONSTRUCTION Fairly simple.
Make sure the mitred joints are correctly cut.
MATERIALS 8/10ths of an 18mm / 3/4" 8' X 4' board (2438 X 1219)


[plans will print out to an A4 page]



(very important to read this !!)

Good luck & happy building!


'2 X 12 Angled Mid-range Cabinet'

There are a total:  11  comments posted to this page.

Name:  jason
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  30-Dec-99

thanks alot for the desing

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Name:  k
Activity:  Professional
Date:  30-Dec-99

test add comments for '2 X 12" ANGLED MID-RANGE CABINET' page

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Name:  Simon
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  30-Dec-99

I like the look of this cab as I'm planning to build my own 3-way sattelite system. As I want to have my bass to mid crossover point at around the 250hz mark, would this angled mid cab be ok at 250hz and above? If not, can anyone give me some advice on a similar midrange cab suitable for 250hz and above? For the midrange cab, I am considering using 2xcelestion K12T 200w or similar drivers in each cab, wise choice?

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Name:  kilo
Activity:  Professional
Date:  30-Dec-99

test..... great easy to make mid-cab...

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Name:  Matt Westerman
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  30-Mar-05

tried to bulid this cabinet but the dimensions don't work because the height only meassures2.5" in height, which ain't big enough to get a2" driver into. it would need to be more like7" in height surely, wots the deal?is it a0" driver cabinet and been labelled incorrectly or wot?

i need help gentlemen, please write bac asap as i can only work in the workshop this week.

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Name:  Mark Weston
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  05-Apr-06

Wot factor do i need to scale this design up by to accomodate 2 rcf 12" 500 watt drivers that measure 12 inches in diameter?

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Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  28-Jul-06

matt, the size of the speaker holes is SMALLER than the actual speakers you fit, so it should be big enuff

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Name:  myva
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  02-May-12

would it be best to use 15 or 18mm wood to build a few of these?

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Name:  Sam
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-Jun-13

Nice design, Building cabs is one of my hobbies might give this a go and see if I can mod it up!

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Name:  dimas
Activity:  Professional
Date:  03-Nov-15

you are the picturs ok

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Name:  Oscar
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  05-Sep-16

what are the angles for the mitre cuts?

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