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Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]

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Author: admin
Date: 01-Oct-08

Apple Logic Pro Free Tutorials: Chapter-1 - Arrange-Page-1 - General introduction to Logic 8. The Arrange-Page layout, design and workflow, grid, snap & drag menus.


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-1/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-2/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-3/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-4/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-5/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-6/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-7/8


Chapter-1: Arrange-Page-1 - Part-8/8

Chapter-1 Link

Chapter-2 Link

Chapter-3 Link

Chapter-4 Link

Chapter-2 will be up soon from today's date (11th June 09) - Chapter-2 will be Part-2 of the Arrange-Page, covering more Arrange-Page goodies, including: Screensets, Global Tracks, various display options, Toolbox and Tool selection options, as well as Key-commands and more...

Feel free to leave any comments below! Cheers!


'Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]'

There are a total:  17  comments posted to this page.

Name:  Fiddler59
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  12-Jun-09

Great tutorial....very helpful. Let's have more !!!


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Name:  Bob
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  14-Jun-09


Thanks for taking the time to do this. I've been using logic for years but picked up a couple of tips from this
chapter. Looking forward to the next, roughly when will it be up ?

I remember you did a great tutorial on the BCF200, keep up the good work :)

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Name:  bob
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  14-Jun-09

Whats my mail address doing in the above comment ? I didn't expect that !

Can it be removed ?

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Name:  Brian
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  15-Jun-09

Thanks for the videos! Been using Logic 8 since it came out and it never
occurred to me that the tool bar could be closed out of the main arrange
window!! I'm surprised to see how much space it can make, and on a 13 inch
Macbook, I'll take all I can get. Now that I have the Logic keyboard cover
I have no problem using key commands to open th other windows/panels.

The videos are clear and well presented. I am really looking forward to
the next set of videos when they are done!

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Name:  Donald Bowsher
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  19-Jun-09

Awesome! Thank you for this -- learned a lot from watching. Hope you find time to create/post part 2.

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Name:  Dave
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  20-Jun-09

I'm just switching from Garage Band 9 to Logic Express 8 and found this intro extremely useful. Thanks for
your time and effort. I can only echo what one of the other commenters said - hope you find time to add part

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Name:  Josh
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  12-Jul-09

Awesome tutorial! Many thanks. Eagerly awaiting future chapters.

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Name:  Maafen
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  27-Jul-09

Thanx a lot, this was really helpful to me!

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Name:  Kevin Bicknell
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  31-Jul-09

Hi just bought this programme and was just a little put off by the seeming complexity of the manuals that are supplied. Consequently looking around for a more user friendly alternative and stumbled across your tutorials. Compared to the professional companies that supply this type of training you've got it dead right. Clarity of topic and voice modulation actually keep me awake and interested, can't wait for the next chapter!

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Name:  R
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-Nov-09


nice one! thanks for taking the time to teach some free lesson's!
it was a huge help.



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Name:  jezz
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  07-Dec-09

Very, very handy. Despite using cubase for many years and logic for a couple, I picked up some great stuff. I
never got by head round the "anchor Right" thing and still only have one idea of how it could be useful right
now, but just not having the distraction of enigmanic layers of the program is great. Many, many thanks you
inveterate smoker you ;)

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Name:  Frank
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  01-Jun-10

cheers. are there going to be any more following up and going deeper?

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Name:  Christopher Maier
Website?:  www,
Activity:  Professional
Date:  23-Nov-10

Many thanks to you for addressing the beginner in your tutorials! Having finally switched from ProTools to
Logic, I am finally making the progress that I am supposed to. I have spent too many years perplexed by
tutorials put out by Digidesign and Yamaha synths. You have recognized that there are very capable acoustic
musicians out there who need basic and clear instructions about how to board the digital bandwagon. Your
delivery is quiet, crisp, easy to follow. I look forward to watching each of your lessons available on youtube.

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Name:  luggnutt keyz
Activity:  Professional
Date:  28-Nov-11

very very good class . i have decided to switch from cubase

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Name:  Evan
Activity:  Professional
Date:  16-Mar-12

Hey there!!

you're tutorials are just so good! i'm really pleased with your teaching way!!
thanx so much!!! well done!! :)


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Name:  ad6id
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-Apr-12

Beginning tutorial.
Narrator talks too soft at times. Combined with fast Brit accent, makes him hard to understand.
Video of Logic Pro screen is too small to read. When expanded it is hard to read due to fuzzy resolution. Also, cannot follow along with my Logic Pro running - even on 21" iMac.
Many terms are not defined and are necessary for understanding the next step.

In short, the presentation has too much detail and moves too fast for a Beginner 1 video. This would be more appropriate in later chapters.

I'm an electrical Engineer and amateur musician, so can follow complex music tutorials.

With my comments in mind, this could be a very valuable resource for all Logic Pro users.

Regards, Tony

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Last added comment

Name:  the tutor
Activity:  Professional
Date:  25-Apr-12


Beginning tutorial.
Narrator talks too soft at times. Combined with fast Brit accent, makes
him hard to understand.
Video of Logic Pro screen is too small to read. When expanded it is hard
to read due to fuzzy resolution. Also, cannot follow along with my Logic
Pro running - even on 21" iMac.
Many terms are not defined and are necessary for understanding the next

In short, the presentation has too much detail and moves too fast for a
Beginner 1 video. This would be more appropriate in later chapters.

I'm an electrical Engineer and amateur musician, so can follow complex
music tutorials.

With my comments in mind, this could be a very valuable resource for all
Logic Pro users.

Regards, Tony


well tony you seem to be the only person who thinks this. It is the only
negative comment ever given, and secondly much of what you say makes no
sense at all.

All my logic tutorials are in HD 720P video - web video cannot be higher
quality than 720p HD, so i suggest you either get some glasses or a new
screen or you do not have the bandwidth to view these videos in anything
except the lowest quality. One of those reasons is why you claim it is

If it's too complicated for you to grasp a beginners tutorial, then
rewind and watch again. That's the whole idea of web tutorials; you can
watch again and again and again until you "get it" 100%.

These tutorials are 100% free! So put some work in and stop being so
bloody lazy, and yes that's my response as a qualified teacher.

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

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