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Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-4 - [video]

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Author: admin
Date: 04-Oct-11

Apple Logic Pro 9 Free Tutorials for beginners - Chapter-4 - Piano-Roll edit - Everything to do with piano-roll, including tools, snap, grid, quantise, groove-templates, midi-groove-templates, creating midi drum-patterns from audio drum-loops, creating groove-templates from Flex, tips & techniques, hyperdraw & track-automation, step-input programming, arpeggiator & much more!! This is a big chapter!!

Keywords: maximum note length, minimum note length, half speed double speed, fixed velocity, reverse position, fixed note length, quantise note length


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-1/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-2/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-3/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-4/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-5/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-6/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-7/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-8/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-9/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-10/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-11/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-12/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-13/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-14/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-15/16


Chapter-4: Piano-Roll Edit - Part-16/16


Chapter-1 Link

Chapter-2 Link

Chapter-3 Link

Chapter-4 Link

Chapter-5 will be coming soon - Chapter-5 will be the Hyper-editor, which is the other primary MIDI editor in which the MIDI note editing for your compositions are done... Hyper-editor is Logic's drum-editor and more.

Feel free to leave any comments below!... Cheers!


'Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-4 - [video]'

There are a total:  8  comments posted to this page.

Name:  Michael McGroarty
Activity:  Professional
Date:  05-Oct-11

Can't wait for Chapter 5 and more!

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Name:  Manos Dedevesis
Activity:  Professional
Date:  13-Oct-11

Awesome WORK!!!!

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Antonio
Website?:  no
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  16-Nov-11

Awesome! Explendid job! Gracias!

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Name:  terry farley
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  01-Dec-11

Thanks for this - absolutely brilliant!

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Gunnar Nyd
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  06-Mar-12

Best Logic tutorials ever ! ( and i have seen a lot ).

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Name:  JoCo
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  05-Nov-13

This is the best tutorial ever! Absolutely brilliant. Love the sound of the lighting of the cigarette hahah

great job! just wish the chapter 4 16/16 was put out ! I will watch the last one this guy has done of the new
logic pro X !

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Name:  Memo Phillips
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-Apr-14

I have watch many of your video tutorial and enjoy your teaching style greatly. One question.
In Chapter 4 Piano roll changing color format within piano roll. I can not locate the edit window, it doesn't exist
in Logic Pro x or am I missing something? Just switched over from long time Cubase user.

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Last added comment

Name:  admin
Activity:  Professional
Date:  11-Apr-14

Sadly they removed that in pro x - but the latest v10.0.6 add a new feature wghich you can optionally make the piano edit bg light-grey.

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