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Logic Pro Tutorials - Smart Controls

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Author: admin
Date: 21-Jun-14

Smart Controls are a new feature brought to Logic with Logic Pro. This in-depth tutorial tells you everything you need to know including when to use them, better alternatives to using Smart Controls where applicable, how to edit and create & save your own control sets, plus techniques & tips!


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'Logic Pro Tutorials - Smart Controls'

There are a total:  1  comments posted to this page.

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Name:  Edward Lewis
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  08-Mar-15

I really appreciate all the effort you put into your
videos. By far the best on the web. I have a request if
I may. Logic x space designer and the delay designer
plugins. The sounds are fantastic but I know you can
peel these onions for a much deeper manifestation of
use. If you would be so kind as to cover the 2 sometime
in the near future? No to pressure you.
Best wishes,
Ed Lewis

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