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LOGIC - Environment Tutorial

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Author: admin
Date: 27-Sep-99

'Logic Environments' - Well... the thing to remember is, the ENVIRONMENT is the TOP level... open it from any track it shows different things according to which 'LAYER'/'INSTRUMENT'/'OBJECT' you're looking at...

All incoming & outgoing midi played in or from playback tracks goes from the tracks, thru the environment to it's allocated 'INSTRUMENT/Object' (which sits on an Environment-'LAYER'), and from that 'Object' to whichever destination that object is routed to as a midi-port... THRU can be turned ON/OFF for any 'Object' for different purposes etc etc... read on.... this is the simple way to setup 'Logic' for Your Studio....

when you open an ENV(ironment view) - either from the main-outer-window menu's, or by clicking any track-Title, you see a white page with 'Instrument/Object' Icons on it..., with top-left a select list in a box, with a few Options ... one being: 'ALL OBJECTS', and another: '*CREATE*' ...another: 'Instruments' there is about 6 or so items on that list...YOU ARE IN THE ENVIRONMENT WINDOW - AND THIS LIST IS THE ENVIROMENT LAYERS... LAYERS ALLOW YOU TO HAVE UN-CLUTTERED ENV'-WINDOW..

Select/look at the 'ALL-OBJECTS' layer.... you see a Vertical list, (if NOT & you see layered images & utter mayhem, do VIEW/'BY Text..')- So... You have a Lits... these are ALL the objects existing in the layers of the Environment).... that is, even individual faders on synth-controller-LAYERS are listed and ANY OBJECT can be TICKED, to make it available for the Track/Object-List so it can be selected for a track on the arrange-page... thus, you can assign a track in Logic to either, an individual component of a synth, or a whole mono-synth or a whole multi-synth... or Mapped-Instrument.

so... each of those LAYER-VIEWS - (All_objects, Midi-Instrument, etc)... is like a LAYER.... and ALL the 'Objects' exist on one or another LAYER....

ok... so, browse some layers and see what they look like.... one of the layers has 16 midi instruments (mono-timbrel) - and a MULTISYNTH (A SQUARE BOX WITH 16-BUTTONS).. WITH DRUMS MAPPED SEPERATE ON CHANNEL 10 (AN ICON)... another has

ok...In the LAYERS menu choose: **create!** to 'Create' a new layer... once you do that you have a white blank page... with some menu-boxes at the left.. YOU GOTTA THEN NAME IT..

name that layer CS2X... (where you CREATED IT).. DOUBLE-CLICK TO RENAME) now... you've made a layer... put a synth-Object on it... lets start with just a single channel device (even tho the CS2x is multi-timbrel.. it's simpler to begin... and anyways, you CAN if you like create a seperate MIDI-INSTRUMENT for each part/channel of the CS2x... so that the controls on each panel are NOT shared for each part/channel, and the visible settings of the controls = the state of that part channel on the synth at any time ...

ok.... we have now a blank white page called CS2X - ... GO to the menu - 'NEW'.. and choose 'instrument'... an Icon appears, and note: a new box appears on the left under the LAYERS list, called : (instrument) - double-click & re-NAME IT: 'CS2X' ... and also SELECT an ICON for it... (click-icon & scroll)

you now have a layer called: CS2X, and on it, an instrument called CS2X... hIGHLIGHT THE CS2X-ICON... THE lower/LEFT-bOX CHANGES... go there, & sET ALL THE gLOBAL SETTINGS FOR out/thru MIDI-Port, transpose, etc etc for that CS2X-iNSTRUMENT-Object ... also on the Left/Lower box there is the Title (where you rename) & the little ICON... next to the ICON & Title it says: 'ICON', and there is a little CHECK-BOX - TICK THE BOX...

again - THIS BOX ALLOWS YOU TO ONLY KEEP MAIN INSTRUMENT 'OBJECTS' VISIBLE FOR QUICKLY SELECTING IN THE arrange-page TRACK area .. BUT you can activate (TICK) any other 'OBJECT' attatched to the Main CS2x-Instrument-Object... like say a FADER to have that also appear at the Arrange-Page Track/Object select-list... so we have now a CS2X LAYER - ON IT A CS2XInstrument 'Object' - that 'Object' is assigned to Midi-Port XX... sorted...

it works thus:

THE LAYER CONTAINS THE INSTRUMENT 'OBJECT', (with Global settings/name & midi-port -on the left)...

THE LAYER CAN also contain any s/w representations of control 'objects' that attatch to the MAIN CS2X SYNTH/INSTRUMENT-'OBJECT'...

these other 'Objects' have various functions, from Arpeggiators to simple controller-faders, to Vector screens ... each new 'OBJECT'... is routed to the instrument with cables... so.... in our simple example... we have a SINGLE instrument,,, on a selected channel & out-port into that instrument we are plugging faders as controllers...


STill on the CS2X LAYER of the environment (your studio)... select Menu: 'NEW'.. and select FADER/auto - do this 6 times... you now have 6 faders - name them & set the controller number for each... route them into the CS2X instrument by dragging the cables across to the CS2X-ICON.. !!! :-)...

so.... if you 'DETICK' each object/FADER created by selecting It's ICON on the Layer-screen and DE-TICKING the Left-side TITLE/ICON-BOX.... but leave the CS2X instrument TICKED... then go back to your Arrange-page/track area, and select a new track or any other track, a LIST appears... you'll see the CS2x... cos it is TICKED... but the faders we created are not there to clutter up the list on the Arrange-page...

The faders ARE accessible from within the Layer & WORKING, routing all their moves to the CS2X-Hardware via the CS2X-ICON/Object assigned to it's out-port ... So they are there, even tho they don't appear as a seletable 'OBJECT' to assign to a midi-track on the Arrange-page..

so... on the actual hardware CS2X, set it to OMNI mode and choose a sound... go to the track area of the Arrange page...Hold-down the mouse over an existing track/Title or create a new Track ...A list appears...'TICKED-OBJECTS'... select the CS2X (should be ICON-TICKED in CS2X-LAYER to be visible)....
(note the lower-left-box changes on the arrange page IF you have Menu: VIEW/PARAMETERS Ticked...(default))

right...We have an Arrange-Page with a List of Tracks, each with a name.. and the last one is CS2X !!!

double click on the track CS2X title.... The ENV' layer opens with any CS2x object visible (wether or not they show in track/object-select list on the Main Arrange-page)....


Sometimes in the Arrange-Page you want to select a Synth 'Object' or other 'Object' to assign to a Track.. but the 'Object' you want has 'Disappeared !!'... IT'S not on the list when you hold down over a Track-Title to select...

If that happens... simply double click ANY track-name in the Arrange-page, and IT'S layer opens... then choose the LAYER you REALLY WANT TO SEE from the TOP-Left box LAYER-select-list (where you Created the LAYER at the beginning)...

Once the layer is open, all the objects are you can TICK some 'OBJECTS' to get them back visible in the Arrange-page Track/object select-list...


The beauty of this method, is that you CAN select a fader from a LAYER... TICK-IT, and then assign it to a Track on the arrange-page... That Fader is routed inside the layer to your Synth-Object... that Synth-Object is routed out of Midi-Port-xxx to your synth.... so... you can assign ANY midi controller on your MASTER-KEYS/CONTROLLER to adjust the Fader or other Control-Object in the Layer... BUT... THAT Layer-Controller-Object can be assigned to ANY OTHER controller... Outgoing !! (and to record)... awesome huh?...

Your Studio In S/ware !!

The simplest to begin... get it mapped out.. - You can create a NAMED-layer for each synth/Midi-hardware-item in your studio,.. (as I said... SIX is a comfortable figure to get going with your main midi Items)... then put a main synth/Item-Object , (see above) on each layer NAMED to represent the actual synths in your studio - it's Midi-port, and settings globaly for your routing/desires - it's Port-assign, transpose, key-range, velocity adjust, bank/patch-select, pan, delay, etc etc... Tick ONLY the main Synth 'Objects' in the LAYER to have them available to Tracks for standard working where you play into the sequencer from master-keys on Channel-XX and the Selected Track routes the Midi-data via the Environment to the Output-Port/s... as you add each Synth/item 'Instrument-Object', you have 3 choices as to what sort of Instrument it is...


Ok... you have **Created** a Blank Environment-LAYER, and named it... you now want to add a new Instrument-'Object' you go to MENU: - NEW /

  • Instrument
  • Multi-Instrument
  • Mapped-Instrument


FOR a straight 'Single-Channel' device, Midi-FX, Mono-synth, Mono-Timbrel polysynth etc... select: INSTRUMENT... it is one channel at a time only Object.. you can assign ONE out port for this main 'Instrument'...

Ok... so each of this type of device is now represented by an: INSTRUMENT 'Object' - it's port & channel selected/set.. and each of these OBJECTS is on a LAYER... and each Layer is named as the Instrument/synth/fx etc... (we'll come to controllers later..let's just make a basic 'LAYER' + 'Object' for each Midi-Studio-Item.).


ok... but what if the item is a drum-box or sampler... where each key/note is a different sound as opposed to a played-across-the-keyboard 'Instrument'... In that Case... Create an Object of the Class MAPPED-INSTRUMENT--- (Menu: NEW/Mapped-Instrument... now... as soon as you do that... a Window appears with the keys and all the parameters to create any type of map you want... (THIS IS NOT the drum View.. just where you set the note numbers etc..) ... so this keyboard-Map appears... close it...You'll see a MAPPED-INSTRUMENT Icon on the Layer... name it.... LETS SAY WE NAME IT : 'DRUMBOX' ... set it's port, channel etc again by hi-liting the Icon on the LAYER & adjusting parameters in the Left-side panel that appears...

Ok... so we have a named Mapped-Instrument.. To access the 'Start-up' Keyboard map detail-view again to adjust parameters, double-click on the 'DRUMBOX-Object' ICON on the LAYER...

oK.... NOW MAKing SURE THE (MappedInstr.) icon-BOX on the Left of the Layer area IS ticked for the DRUMBOX mapped-instrument, close the environment...

go to arrangepage... create new track... hold down with mouse/pointer on the track.. list-opens... select DRUMBOX.... create/draw a music part say 1-bar long adjacent to the DRUMBOX track with the Pencil-Tool... now... Select ARROW-POINTER from toolbox with the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON.... RIGHT button..

Hold down CNTRL & Double-RIGHT-click on the music-part... an EDIT sreen appears... like little teeth/grid horizontal... it will be defaulted to say: MIDI CONTROLS or GM DRUM KIT on the upper-Left info-panel... SELECT THE DRUMKIT... THE rest is pretty obvious... see the: 'Logic-Item' page in 'PC-SECTION/S/WARE', for details of the drum edit protocol....

As you select each note/name you can re-name it, set various parameters including how thick the notes are the Pen-Tool draws... if you click to the left, just infront of each drum note/name on the vertical-grid list, a round icon with a line thru it appears... that is LINKING, any notes linked cant play together like hat-openings etc...

The rest is straightforward... go to Arrange area, select track, hold down mouse pointer on track, list appears, select DRUMBOX... create a music-part, and go into edit screen & pencil in notes to create patterns...

or map/re-map & play notes on the drum-box/sampler from a master keyboard etc by playing into Logic track assigned to DRUMBOX.... Ingoing-Outgoing Notes are mapped - (remember?... double-click the 'DRUMBOX' Mapped-Instrument-'Object' on the DRUMBOX LAYER to fine-tune, but you can do most tasks in DRUM-MAP EDIT WINDOW using the Left-side panel....


Finally... there is the Multi-Instrument... this is any multi-timbrel device.... When you create the new MULTI-INSTRUMENT 'Object' in the New Layer you see a square box appear, sub-devided into 16 'Channel' buttons, representing the Multi-synths channels... High-lite its name, Rename it, & assign the 'WHOLE' Multi-Instr' a midi-Port & set channel to ALL on the Left Area panel as usual...

Next, activate a single Channel by clicking one of the 16 crossed-out numbers on the MULTI-INSTRUMENT icon/'Object'... the line across it disappears as it becomes active.. and the Lower-Left-screen Box Changes.... you can see as you flip from: Selecting the 'Whole' MULTI-Instrument-icon by clicking on it's name underneath - to - Selecting a channel by clicking on one of the 16 channel number-buttons... you see as you do that, the Lower-Left-screen box changes to show either the whole Global settings or each channel as you flip... see what's happening?... cool...

If you then double-click on the MIDI-PLUG icon above the Multi-Instrument icon on the Layer, a listing appears... you will see how to name your banks & patches... it's pretty straightforward...

With the Multi-Instrument, you can: select the Channels by clicking on their Number-Button on the Multi-Instrument-Icon on the Layer... as each is selected, it's box appears on the left.. TICK the (SUB CHANNEL)-ICON BOX For each 'Object'/MULTI-synth Midi-channel you want to have show-up back on the Arrange-page 'Instrument/objects List' for tracks to be assigned to...

Once things are setup for the 'multi-Instrument' in the ENV' LAYER...( Bank/patch lists named etc), you can then pretty-much select all the things you need from the left-side panel/Box on the Arrange-page as you Create tracks....

You can 'De-Tick' the WHOLE 'MULTI-Instrument' from the Arrange-page-'Instrument/objects List', by Going to the LAYER, selecting the WHOLE 'MULTI-Instrument' ICON, (NOT a channel).. and de-ticking it's: (MULTI-INSTR.) ICON-box on the left - that way only channels on that synth that you want appear in the Arrange-page 'Instrument/objects List'.. Less Clutter...

Save all this Progress regularly as you go as something like MYSETUP.ISO

LOAD this file to start on new musics... and save the newly started song as a different name for each piece...


So as you can see, you create a basic 'Instrument-Object' from a choice of 3 types... Around on the same LAYER, these you can add-in OTHER 'Objects' like faders, etc to control stuff like filters or FX on your synth... The beauty with LOGIC, is that all the elements pertaining to the actual Midi-Instrument you're addressing are all gathered together neatly in the same screen - THE ENVIRONMENT-LAYER...and is all interconnectable by patch cables - it is 100% intuitive once you understand the principals expalined here... you don't have to open mix-maps & other screens.... YES!!... You CAN add an Arpeggiator in series between -> the Arrange-Page-Track assigned; 'Object/Instrument' -> ARPEGGIATOR -> & midi-Port.... So you can add in all these control Objects to your layers to help with control & creatve tasks and route them easily... as long as you understand the hierarchy... yet despite all that detail, nothing added in the Layer has to clutter up your Arrange page Selections...

But.. YERS.. you CAN assign your Mod-wheel to input on Track-2 - & track-2 can be assigned to 'Object' xxx-synth... and between them is a Vector control panel connected in series with a quick cable patch... The Vector is Patched to the Instrument-Object and that is routed to your Synth-Module... so...

Mod-Wheel/Mouse/Joystick: IN -> to Track-2 -> from Track-2 -> to LAYER 'Basstation' -> to 'Vector-panel' on Layer -> Vector-data-OUT to: -> Instrument-Object: 'BASSTATION', to -> MIDI-PORT -> MIDI-PORT -> SYNTH-MODULE... and Vector data controls reverb decay & room size say... You Put the Track into record, move the Controller, and the track writes the vector-controller data to the sequence and passes it thru to the module as you play complete with Real-Time 'Vector-Control' of assigned controllers... SORTED !!...

so... again... As mentioned above... we have now a set of Layers, each named as one studio Midi Item... each has on it an Icon/Object.. wether Instrument, mapped-Instr. or Multi-Instr. that represents each MIDI studio ITEM as a whole unit...

now... we have placed/created all sorts of other types of 'Object' on the same LAYER Along with our Instrument... Here's one of my LAYERS for the drumstation...


On my DRUMSTATION LAYER... I have a single DRUMKIT-shaped ICON that is a MAPPED-INSTRUMENT... when I double click on it, A list opens and I set my notes/names etc...

but, on the same LAYER I have also rows of faders each row colour co-ordinated (simply select an 'Object' on the layer & Menu: VIEW/OBJECT COLOURS... simply select a color & watch the fader/control change)... that is ideal to colour co-ordinate your controller sections...

So...Under the main DRUMSTATION 'Mapped-Instrument-Object'/ICON I have this row of faders... one for each drum... (Max-5 faders per drum with the DRUMSTATION)... The faders run in rows across, descending by drum... 808 on the LEFT, and 909 on the RIGHT with a space for cabling up to the DRUMSTATION 'Object' at the top.... So ALL the FADERS & CONTROLS route to the DRUMSTATION 'Object'.. and that is assigned to the correct MIDI-PORT to go to my drum station...

It looks awesome... starting at the top... L to R...

Row-1 (RED) - 808-KIK faders x 5 - space - 909-kick faders x 5
Row-2 (blue) - 909 snare x 5 - space - 909-snare x 5

etc.... all the controls laid out simply and neatly along with the main settings for the actual DRUMSTATION instrument as a whole... HEY!! - I've even got a button for each Drumstation DRUM, that 'Triggers' the correct drum to audition the sound as you tweak the edit parameters via the s/w faders along-side ... heh heh... It's HEAVEN beleive me for control... I just DE-TICK the Controllers on the LAYER, and they don't clutter the Arrange-Page track assign list.. but i CAN call one up, by 'TICKING' it again on the LAYER, to make it available to a track back on the Arrange-Page....Then play-in or draw-in controller data to effect the individual drum parameter in realtime as a dedicated track if I like or mess with the fader with the mouse etc....


so... as far as our example goes from w-a-A-A-A-y back above !!.., you've now got one LAYER of the many you've made for each Midi Studio Item.... On this selected Layer, you've created 5 or 6 AUTO-FADERS to accompany the Created 'CS2X'-Instrument-Object you want them to control...You have assigned each fader it's control-numbers, parameters etc.. (see Left side parameter box always for any selected LAYER-'Objects' parameters)... now Go to the Arrange-Page... create a Track, hold down the Mouse-pointer over it... List appears.. Select CS2X... Create a CYCLE Loop of 1 bar... Highlite CS2X Track, draw in 1-Bar 'Music-Part'... go into EDIT and add in some notes to make a Pattern.... Get it looping, triggering your CS2X - (remember?... it's waiting in OMNI-Mode, with a performance sound selected... So... set the loop running...

To the LEFT of the track area, with the CS2X-Track selected, look at the Lower box/panel...It should say: "CS2X (instrument)"... Check/Select Bank/Patch, Port, channel etc there....

so... with the Loop running and the ol' CS2X pumping a riff... double-click on the CS2X-Assigned Track... ENVIRONMENT-LAYER opens... as the loop plays, drag the cables from the Controller-faders to the main CS2X-INSTRUMENT Object/icon on the LAYER which they control... and you'll route those controllers to the hardware UNIT via the out-port assigned to the main Instrument-Object to which the faders belong..... the detail for each controllers parameters are good, lots of re-mapping etc- (left-side again) .... So as the sequence plays, mess with faders/change controller-numbers etc... discover Controller-number settings, adjust parameters...add-in new 'Objects' - experiment... as you do, label the faders - (left-panel/box again)....and save as you go.... it's as simple as that geezer !!...

SO.... d'you see now how LOGICAL it is??..... really... a few last TIPS...

B-B-Back on the Arrange-page... Any Track selected/hi-lited, displays it's assigned LAYER-'Object' parameters in the lower-left box... you can change stuff there or in the LAYER as noted... the second beauty of LOGIC, is that so-much is controllable from the Arrange-page once Layers/Instrument-Objects are setup

When in ENV'-LAYER, you can select an OBJECT/ICON and color it ... (hightlight 'Intrument/Object-Icon' & Select Menu: VIEW/'Object Colours' - color-chart appears.. click color... sorted...

When back in the Arrange-page.. all your 'music-parts' to the on a given Track can be made to follow the color of the 'Instrument'/OBJECT that the TRACK is assigned to ...

In Arrange-page Simply select a track, & do menu: VIEW/'Instrument Colors To Objects' - (in this case they mean: - ...The 'Instrument/Object-assigned-to-Track' color goes to that Track's Music-Part 'Objects' on the Arrange-page...

When you select that: "VIEW/'Object Colours", menu-Item,.. all the Music-parts to the right of the high-lited Track take on the color of the LAYER-'INSTRUMENT/OBJECT' to which that Track is Assigned... Otherwise you can Hi-lite individual or selections of Music-parts and do: View/'Object Colors..', to color Music-parts Individually... Always Change 'Instrument/'Object' colors in LAYER...

EXTRA'S ??!...(Something for the weekend sir?)

Meanwhile... back on the Arrange-page, here's a nice touch to organise in a hurry... - Menu: VIEW/'TRACK-NAMES-TO-OBJECTS'... this as it says 'Titles/names' any Music-part-Object on the Arrange-page the same as the Hi-Lighted Track it is lined up with.... So if you Create 8 x 1-Bar patterns in a loop on the Track assigned/Titled - 'CS2X', then hi-lite it, do that menu-command, and all the music-parts rename themselves: 'CS2X'

Finally - the upper left box on the Arrange-Page, always shows the selected Music-part/s 'Objects' info.. select One music-part on the arrange-page, and the Upper-box shows it's details...

Select 2 or more Music-parts (click on a track to select ALL adjacent music-parts), and the same Upper-left-BoX shows: 'xx-Selected'-parts... If any of the Selected Music-Parts has a parameter alteration already set, that parameter will be -**STARRED**-OUT in the BOX...You won't be able to adjust that parameter for all 'XX' Music-parts selected if one of them has that parameter already set...

oh yes... and if you press a Querty-Key 1-0, you can get a different Screen-Set each time.., once a 1-0 KEY is selected, open whatever windows you like from the main outer-window: 'WINDOW' menu, and arrange it how you like, and whatever you leave there when you go to another key, it is saved to that Quert-key and is there when you get back to that Key again...- I think there is 99 of these screen-sets available using combinations of key-presses.... anyways... 10 is adequate to create a nice layout - one for each work-section... drum-edit - piano-edit - audio-files-folder - mixer - ENVironment-Layer - Audio-Edit window - etc etc... one per key 1-0...

The Little CHAINLINK-ICON & The WALKING-MAN... at the corner of pages is simple... It's all about LINKED-WINDOWS displaying related contents... OK... We have on QUERTY-KEY-1, (above 'Q'-key), a screen-set of: Arrange window with Tracks & music-parts-(compositional area)...... So lets make a new Screen-Set With Edit-Windows in it, so we can quickly Switch from 'Arrange-screen-set' To 'Edit-screen-set' with a Key-Press to jump between Jobs/Window-layouts...

So... Create a new Screenset?.. simple !!... Hit QUERTY-KEY-2, (above 'W'-key) ... Now you are in screenset-2... You have the Arrange-Window with Tracks-&-Music-parts (if not open it)... re-size it to half the page Depth... open PIANO-ROLL(MATRIX) edit-window, and fit it/re-size it in underneath the Half-Screen-depth 'Arrange-Window'...... NOW.... click the chainlink-icon/Walk-Man full-on on the Matrix/Piano-Roll-Window.... THIS MEANS THAT THAT WINDOW WILL REFLECT THE CONTENTS OF WHICHEVER MUSIC-PART IS SELECTED ON THE ARRANGE AREA and stuff like that... as far as I know... The LINK-CHAIN/WALK-MAN does it... You can 'CHAIN/Link' between windows in the same Screen-set and/or between Windows in DIFFERENT Screen-Sets, so as to have say one Screen-Set dedicated to a Big Piano-Roll/Matrix-Edit Window so you could then flip to QUERTY-KEY-2 at anytime and it'd display the contents of the currently selected 'Music-Part' over on the Big 'Arrange' Window over on the QUERTY-KEY-1 'Screen-Set'.... experiment with this... (i'll do some research & update this paragraph soon to be exact... meanwhile - suck-it and see !!...

Otherwise, without these ICON's Activated, any Open Edit-Window reflects whatever you last opened in it, regardless of wether you have moved on & selected a different Music-part or Track back on the Arrange area Window.... see?... Its a LINK TING !!!... experiment with different settings moving around selecting Tracks & Music-Parts with the Poonter and watching how different Other Edit-Screen-Windows change according to how you have the State of the CHAIN/WALK-ICON's .... linking Tools...

TIP-2: - and if you hold down 'ESC' key the toolbox appears under the Mouse pointer... you prolly know alot of this but.... there is also a total KEY-COMMANDS page somewhere... My dream is to make-up a keyboard with painted keys for my transport... and locate etc Functions, all laid out with a semi-transparent colour - keep it mostly to the Keypad at the side for transport, and the various Matched Brackets for other 'Locator'/'Return'/'play-from' jobs...

For more about drum-map, audio tips, looping, groove templates etc - see the LOGIC review page in PC-SECTION/ SWARE-

That Review is a BIG page !!! - like 230Kb or so !!... but it has lots of lo-res', 16bit images to help with lots of bits.... But... It needed this more In-depth Environment-Tutorial adding - I do repeat things in different ways, but hopefully by the end, you are beginning to anticipate the text..... I started this to just answer you quickly, but got more into it :-), writing this helped to define even more firmly in me the whole 'Environment' protocol.. (yes I don't use it that often, and sometimes forget bits... heh heh... Good luck... (i'll add this as a related 'Logic' Article.)

That's enuff to get you Going isn't it??....


'LOGIC - Environment Tutorial'

There are a total:  9  comments posted to this page.

Name:  R WALSH
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-Jan-03

Hey guy's great stuff!
I would like to know; that after mixing some 4trac stereo tracks in, and then adding a few more tracks to fill out the piece via midi DX7 yamaha keyboard.

How in hell do I get a mixdown to put to cd? I feel like a dunce but you may help rectify this .

It has taken me a couple of years to learn half of the show. Can you direct my purpose further?



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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  lia
Date:  05-Feb-04

is ekeys 49USB Keyboard compatible with
logic Platinum?

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Phil
Activity:  Professional
Date:  19-Feb-04


I am trying to set up a TDM Mixer in Logic
6.3.1 in order to use my emagic instruments
with TDM. As soon as I create a Instr.
channel (DTDM), my MIDI input seems to
disappear. I am trying to route it to an Aux
channel (DTDM) with input ESB 1-2, but
nothing. Any idea ?! Thanks for any help.

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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Yoon Lee
Activity:  Professional
Date:  03-Jun-04


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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  guy thomas
Activity:  Professional
Date:  14-Dec-04


Thanks for the tips. To make a long story
short I'm trying to switch over from being a
Digital Performer user for years. The midi
multi instrument patchlist set up in D.P. is so
straight-forward. You make it sound easy in
Logic but I find it to be a mess. I can't even
get logic pro 7 to recognize my mod wheel
commands. Any ideas how I can make this
transition a little smoother?



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Article 'ratings' were added September 2008, so most articles have no viewer rating

Name:  Phillip Rogers
Activity:  Professional
Date:  29-Aug-05

In the studio we have 3 recording studios. Studio A
is equiped with a Mac G5. I'm running DP4.52 at
present. I've been using MOTU's Digital Performer
for years and am totally absorbed and know DP4.52
in and out. I've recently purchased Logic 7 and have
upgraded to 7.1. Everything is great---but---I
have a whole slew of midi modules I still want to
use along with the virtual instruments in Logic. The
problem I'm having is that nobody seems to be able
to help me with is to get logic to read my patchlists
in my Roland u220, (2) JV-880's, Korg O3RW,
Roland S-550, Roland D-50, Yamaha DX7, EMU
Planet Phatt and Mo-Phatt and EMU Virtuoso. There
are other modules also. Logic recognizes the
instruments because of the core midi in my Mac G5.
Can you talk me thru step by step for this setup. My
master keyboard is my DX7.

Phillip Rogers
AirDigital Recording Inc.

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Name:  Tom
Activity:  Professional
Date:  21-Sep-05

Can you give me a more detailed info on how to
setup multi instruments?

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Name:  Tony Adez
Activity:  Professional
Date:  24-May-08

where can I get bank patch evnvironments for The
Roland u220, Yamaha PSR 520, Yamaha Tg55Acess
Virus C & Proteus 2000 module for Logic Pro 7

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Name:  Ali
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  19-Feb-11

Hi just going back to my ancient Logic Pro 7 having been away for a couple of years and struggling with the
Environment. Not getting any audio out at the moment, and only my Proteus is visible in the Environment. I am
re-visiting the manual's instructions but cannot get the Layer Menu to come up at all. Is there another location
for the Layer Menu that I can access it from?

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